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Our Approach

For children living with significant and multiple vulnerabilities and risk factors, there is powerful evidence of the need for a targeted ‘intensive care’ early childhood education and care (ECEC) model where the program elements, the dosage and duration of the intervention are able to redress harms, overcome the effects of trauma, reduce toxic stress levels and enable children to learn in partnership with their families1.  

Parkville Institute is focused on supporting children and families living with significant social disadvantage and family stress. Evidence underpinning the model indicates that the risks, disadvantages, and adverse childhood experiences, persist throughout childhood and have long-term impact without early, intense, high-quality interventions.

The children participating in the model are:

  1. referred into the program by family services or child protection services,
  2. aged between birth and three at the time of enrolment; and
  3. assessed as having two or more risk factors.

Children participate in the program for 5 hours a day, 5 days a week, 50 weeks of the year for three years.


1. Shonkoff, J.P. (2011), ‘Protecting brains, not simply stimulating minds’, Science, 333(6045), 982-83.